storage device


storage device 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a device used to store digital data or information, as a hard disk or CD.

storage device 近义词

storage device

等同于 storage battery

更多storage device例句

  1. Before deleting images and videos in the Capture Gallery, you can copy them to an external USB storage device so you can store them elsewhere.
  2. Without structure, we wouldn’t have gene editing, DNA computers, or storage devices.
  3. I still do find it a tremendously useful device to invent a character and have the character sing the song.
  4. Employees strap a device to their heads and power a helicopter drone with their minds.
  5. Storage containers hold a treasure trove of mascara, lipstick, blush, and other makeup.
  6. The extending out of one syllable is a great songwriting device.
  7. They double down on the plot device of a lone visionary opposed by conventional hierarchies.
  8. This takes at first the crude device of a couple of vertical lines attached to the head (see Fig. 4).
  9. That was not the device of a woman who loved—it savored rather of the cool state-craft of a Lucrezia Borgia.
  10. This would be a device for helping him to revive this hitherto unrecallable name.
  11. By a device resorted to in each separate case to help make a more vivid First Impression.
  12. A bailee who was a cold storage keeper, stated in his receipt "all damage to property is at the owner's risk."